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[E] MrMiner12
[E] MrMiner12
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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I want the region protected w/the two brown poles in the air from sky to bedrock. I only want me and the person I sell it to, to have editing rights. It will be used for someone's private living home, and eventually, I'll build more in that same area. The first two pictures have the coords for the wooden poles. I want the warp to be inside of the house, preferably in the middle. I want the warp where the third pic is which i forgot the coords for, but it is easy to find. I want the warp to be "highcliffs1" where the third pic is located. Tht way they can't get inside and grief.
over 13 years ago
Nobody has protected is yet...also could you call it "Ridgeside Views" instead thanks.
over 13 years ago
Alright I did that thanks. - MrMiner12
over 13 years ago
I would like you guys to protect this region. I have marked it with stone bricks. The cords are in the pics. Please name the region Cliffview. If tht is taken call it Highcliff.
over 13 years ago